Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Internet courage

Good evening again y'all,

I just thought I'd sit in this chair and speak to anyone who is listening about internet courage.  Isn't it SOOOOOOO funny what people post on the internet?!?!? It makes me smile, laugh, cry, get upset, give "prison eyes to" and do all kinds of stuff when I read some of the stuff people think they can post on the "world wide web".  I remember when if you could get your ass beat, you'd keep your mouth shut.  That is NOT the world we live in anymore......

Since being a witness to some of the most horrific stuff anyone should need to see  AND seeing the responses that people think are acceptable, I'm almost ready to hop on a puddle jumper and open a food truck in a remote, beautiful, area in the world like St. Thomas, or St. Croix.

How can people feel that they can post the MOST ignorant, Asinine, douche-bagger-ific posts and get a way with it??? The answer....INTERNET COURAGE.

When you are protected behind a MEME, profile pic, alias, or Catfish scheme, you feel you can get away with any and every thing that crosses your mind..  Guess what, at some point, your bad Ju Ju will catch up with you TRIPLE FOLD!!!!

There is no way to restrict what people post as this is one of the greatest things about being American!!! Freedom of speech!!! Buuuuuuttttt.... Half of these cowards posting crazy shit, would keep  their mouths shut if , on the other end,  there was a well supported knuckle to their lower lip... Now, I'm not saying violence or aggression is the answer...What I am saying is that if people had to think twice about repercussions, maybe they would think twice before posting some ignorant ass stuff.   Being a mixed cat (a post is soon to follow ), I've been privy to all kinds of MADNESS!! I've always been bi-racial, never had a choice...and if I could choose, I WOULD NEVER CHOOSE ANYTHING ELSE!!!!  All I'm 'saying,  it is nuts to consider the stuff that has been whispered in my ear ALL MY LIFE.  I've been lucky enough to end up on the positive end of the spectrum..... But  I've learned the true madness that lies within man.....

Just saying.

I have always been the kind of cat that watches from afar, knowing that people will show me way more than I would ever want to know, as long as I pay attention. This has NEVER let me down. Additionally, if you've read my previous posts, I do NOT WASTE MY HEARTBEATS (they are limited as is) following or encouraging BullShit!!

Long story short, just cause you have an internet profile, you should at least have the courtesy to think at least a few seconds before you respond to a post you disagree with,; You would be better served if you would think a li'l bit before you repeat the rhetoric you've grown accustomed to, or before you "like" a post made by some uneducated, naive, person who is a mouthpiece to the ideal that they never had a choice to rebel against...Internet courage will only get you so far..  and to be honest.....It won't be THAT far....
What i'd say, is just try to keep it positive.  Woulda's, coulda's, and shoulda's are a waste of time so DONT DO IT... Just try to be a better person today than you were yesterday.

As always, if you don't agree, IT"S OK.....These are just One Man's Thoughts/



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