Saturday, August 6, 2016

Be A Better Person Everyday

Good evening and Happy Saturday,

As I am in the middle of a "work week" (don't feel bad, I get weekdays off that I consider my "weekend"......remember, I'm an ED guy), I am not doing much tonight but chilling out with myself and my thoughts.  One thought that ran across my mind is that I (and all of us) should try and be a better version of myself everyday.  Now, I completely understand, that this sounds like a daunting task.  I mean, to improve everyday??? Is it possible?? Can I do it?? Can You do it?? The answer is an inevitable, 100% YES!!!

The thing is, the change does not need to be anything monumental, nor does it need to be noticeable to anyone but YOURSELF.

For instance, if you think you could have smiled more today, smile more tomorrow.  Smiles are one contagious mother father and the more you smile the more you make others smile. So yeah, if that is something you can do BETTER tomorrow, give it a shot.

If you did not hold the door for anyone today, try and do it at least once tomorrow.  Chivalry and manners have been forgotten in this age of Tinder, text messages, Snapchat, and the other numerous ways we "try" to show the world who we are.  Try and holding a door open for a real person, searching for their Pokemon or not, and see what happens.  Perhaps you'll receive a smile, perhaps that person will hold the door open for someone else, perhaps the person will not say shit.   Who cares, you will have improved yourself from the previous day....And that, my friends, is a good thing.

If you did not compliment someone today, try it tomorrow.  If you add a smile, you could even double up the love.  Many people walk this earth self conscious, shy, never receiving compliments from anyone.  You could potentially save a life by giving a compliment.  A little dramatic, I know, but think about it.  You never know who is contemplating suicide or other means of self harm. Perhaps, your compliment could have that person second guess if that's the right idea. I know......that's kind of a powerful notion.... EMBRACE IT!!!!

If you are trying to get in shape and you did not make it to the gym today, or if you quit early on your workout. Tomorrow, try to crush that ish.  The whole idea is to improve on the person you are everyday you are alive....As you have good workouts, you will feel better about yourself which will, in turn improve your attitude, which will result in you being nicer to others, which is never a bad thing.  Humans are too mean to each other, PERIOD. Try to be the difference maker.

I am not asserting that you will change the world, get a Nobel Peace prize, or rise to the levels of existential bliss.  I can say, that your life could seem a little sweeter, your sun may shine brighter, your stresses less important.   If you think who would NOT want that??  It is easy to get stuck in a rut, to approach life with negativity, to not enjoy every day you walk this earth.  By focusing on improving yourself, you can improve the life of others without even realizing it.  That's a win win!!!

That's all for now. Have a great night y'all and remember, if you don't agree, I do not really care.....After all, these are just one man's thoughts.

One Love
