Good evening everyone,
I recently had a great conversation with a friend of mine and I noticed that this person was walking on clouds, smiling, and having the best day in a long time. I casually asked, "what has got you in such a good mood". My friend told me, that they figured out the key to life. What?!?!?! The key to life, please share.
To paraphrase, my friend said they figured out the importance of having "life givers" in their life rather than "life suckers".
Can you say, "FREAKING GENIUS" !!!!???!!!!
So......what the hell does that giver vs life sucker
Well, let me break it down in my own terms. I apologize to the friend who dropped this li'l gem on me in case I don't state it as eloquently.
Essentially, if we divide people into two categories regarding how they approach life, we have those that give, add, or contribute to the quality of their life, the life of their friends and acquaintances, and to life in general. Then there is the second group, those who suck the life from their friends, suck the life from those who they casually come into contact with, and those who seem to try to bring down anyone who may be feeling positive at any giving time.
If you look at your own life, I'm sure you can easily identify people that fit into one of these two categories. The key is this, if you surround yourself with "Life Givers" your life will be that much more enriched and filled with smiles, laughter, happiness, empathy, and overall feelings of positivity. It is when we surround ourselves with the "life suckers", or even allow one malignant "life sucker" to enter our world, that life all of a sudden can appear darker, more limited, less pleasant, and can have you changing the way that YOU see the world around you, and can ultimately change how you treat others.
First question, who would you rather spend time with? Givers or Suckers??
Second question, how do you want to see the world around you? Full of optimism, possibilities, and happiness or dismal, negative, and fraught with problems??
Third, how do you want to go about your days? Smiling, helping others, seeing the goodness in people or Frowning with a persistent RBF or RDF (Resting Bitch Face or Resting Dick Face), feeling that the world is against you, and being depressed??
I know how I answer those questions, all you have to do is ask yourself.
If you are like me, you should make all attempts to surround yourselves with positivity, Bring on the Life Givers!!! I want to have reasons to smile, I want to be positive more often than not, I want to spread smiles, laughter, and good karma. I want people's lives to be enriched by being around me. I want to feel like things are not so bad no matter how bad things may seem. I want the energy that life givers tend to impart. I'll go even further, I want to be considered a life giver as well!! I mean, hey, Pay it forward right??
All I'm saying is that in this world of soooooooo much negativity (see previous post) we need to try to increase the chances that every day we are blessed enough to live on this earth, that we spend those days happy. Life is way too short and I know how I want to spend my heartbeats (again, see previous posts). By surrounding myself with those who give life through their actions, words, work ethic, and overall approach toward life, I hope to limit the negativity that I, and virtually anyone can encounter onany and all days of the week.
If you are a life sucker, you are probably reading this shaking your head with a frown on your face. That's ok to me.... To each their own. If you find yourself in that category, I ask you to take a step back, consider what has been written and see if changing to a Life Giver is something you would like to do. It is not that hard, just remember how blessed you are for being above ground and upright (there are plenty of people who would probably be happy just with those two things), remember how blessed you are to be able to see the words on the screen (blind people would probably trade anything to be able to see), remember how lucky you are to be able to understand what you are reading, how lucky you are to have the motor skills to scroll down the screen, you get the idea. All these blessings surround us and if you stop to appreciate them, and NOT take them for granted then , you are on the path to becoming a "life giver". When you look at life this way, it makes you more appreciative of the little things and that is a great start to becoming someone who can enrich and positively affect the lives of others.
Our time on this earth is limited, that is one of the guarantees of life, so why not try to make it a fun ride on this planet?? Try to smile more than you don't, try to laugh more than you cry, try to have people thankful they met you rather than trying to avoid ever seeing you again.
If you can do this. LIFE CAN BE GRAND
Have a great day everyone. And to all my Life Givers' KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
To my life suckers, good luck, and remember.......
These are just one Man's thoughts!!
One Love and Happy Easter