Good evening all,
It's been way too long since I've shared my thoughts, but for some reason tonight, I cannot help myself. Perhaps it's due to the recent turn of events involving Trayvon Martin (RIP) and the man who ultimately took his life. Now first of all, this was a HORRIBLE tragedy!!! A young man with no evil intentions (as a matter of fact he was walking enjoying one of my childhood favorites... SKITTLES and ARIZONA ICED TEA) had his life ended way to early at the hands of another. The thought of this is sickening!!! I mean, when did the world we live in become so f&*$ed up?? I am no legal expert, nor have I reviewed the thousands of court documents detailing all the minutia that was considered during his trial. All I know is that a young man is dead for no reason. You notice, I did not say a young black man....the fact, A CHILD IS DEAD....and for what???
The reason I felt the need to share this 1 man's thoughts is that it is equally disturbing seeing what has happened since the verdict. I understand that everyone is angry about the a matter of fact, when I saw the TV and read the words NOT GUILTY, my head almost exploded. For a person with no legal knowledge (i.e I do not speak nor understand legaleze) the thought that an adult could follow a young person, start an altercation, and ultimately kill him, THEN claim self defense is CRAZY. I mean, can you imagine if I see someone walking down the street, I subsequently attack him, he kicks my ass....then I sue for assault?!?!?! I'd be laughed out of court!! So, first of all, let me say I truly understand the anger that fills people's hearts right now. Secondly, that is the double edged sword of living in the U.S. Remember, innocent until proven guilty, reasonable doubt, these are all terms aimed at preventing an innocent man from going to prison. I once spoke to an attorney who said he'd rather 10 people who are guilty go free than have one person imprisoned unjustly. It makes sense as I thought more and talked more about it. If you commit a serious crime and get off, chances are your dumb ass will continue to commit crimes until finally, justice gets served. I mean recidivism demonstrates this (i.e how many people do a stretch in prison, only to get our, commit another crime, and whoops, back in the klink). The situation is less than ideal but I understand the due process and the steps needed to convict someone of a serious offense. Then next question, is how long do you think people will be angry?? My answer, once the news stops inundating all of us with details about it. If you think about recent tragedy; Haitian earthquake , The guy who shot up the movie theater during the Batman movie, plane crash in San Francisco, Train Crash in Canada, forest fires. You'll notice that the media will let you ride the train of despair, drama, sadness, and any guttural emotion they can get out of us to make us keep their channel on. Then when they feel that the story has lost it's legs, they stop reporting about it and search for the next horrible thing that happened to get us back in their viewership. In other words, to alot of people who seem so passionate about the verdict, lets see where your moral compass is in 2 weeks. People jump on the Bandwagon for more than just the Miami Heat!! So, what do we do\??
Live well everyone,.....just live well. Try to make every day better than the one before it. Treat others how you want to be treated. Just, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't act in a way that will allow others to pass judgment about an entire race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. There are too many people out there chomping at the bit to condemn a hole group of people for essentially no reason. So, let's not give them a reason. Let me say it again, TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED!!!
In other words, to the jury members who acquitted the man who took Trayvon's life ( I dont even think he deserves for me to type the letters that make his name)...I now know how you would want to be treated if the shoe was on your foot. To those who ask for the death of that guy, now I know how you guys would want to be treated if something happened in your life that others didn't agree with. For those that pray for tolerance and for us all to move past this horrible injustice, AMEN.
What I'm trying to say, is that at some point we all have to move on. The past is behind us, the future is not here yet, today is what we have, and it's a gift. THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED the PRESENT!! (corny I know, but makes a point). In this horribly painful time where now the undercurrent of racism, prejudice, and injustice seem to be bubbling to the surface, I challenge EVERYONE to be the better person. Kill people with kindness, open doors for others, let that person with the blinker on merge without you getting pissed. Smile at others as you pass them on the street, say hello to a stranger.
I challenge you all to do the same. Rest in peace Trayvon, and Zimmerman, you still have to answer to the highest power!!! Anybody that reads this, I hope at least one person will take what I'm saying to heart and try to be a better person, create a better world, and hopefully some day this belief and way of life will spread to where it is the norm, not the exception.
Have a great day you guys. And to those who disagree, just remember
These are Just One Man's Thoughts
One Love,