Hello all,
Just a quick blog to let you know what you are getting into by reading this. I consider myself a forward thinking guy who tends to analyze and learn something from every experience I encounter. Watching the world around us, there are numerous opportunities to learn and better one's self. I often times, read the newspaper, watch the news, or just look at what's around me and find myself asking...."What the hell??" I have opinions that I feel have some people may benefit from reading....whether it be a way to improve everyday life, identify someone you share opinions with , or just to play devil's advocate when discussing hot button topics (just to name a few).
The purpose of my blog is not to force my opinions on others or even expect people to agree with me. I Just need to let my feelings about certain things out and I welcome other's opinions and Ideas. The topics I will comment on are random and may or may not be interesting to the reader. I'm sure that if you follow this blog, EVENTUALLY, I'll touch on a topic that may strike an accord with you. That being said, keep your eyes open for future posts. My mind is already swimming with ideas to comment on.
Most importantly,
Remember.....These are just One Man's Thoughts